15 People Accept Jesus at First Good News Retreat Centre Meeting – S.T.Colony, Nandiwada, India
Oct 30, 2017 2053
The Good News Retreat Centre has held its first meeting, and 15 people have accepted Jesus! The meeting, which went for two consecutive days, was held in the recently built centre in S.T. Colony, Nandiwada, India.
People travelled from many of the surrounding remote villages to attend the meeting. Most of these people came from Hindu backgrounds and had not heard about Jesus.
At the meetings, Pr Joseph shared with them the Good News of the Gospel and what it means for their lives. Three people who had been Hindu but had given their lives to Jesus shared their testimonies.
“By hearing the powerful holy Gospel my heart was touched”
A two day Gospel meeting like this one will be conducted at the Good News Prayer Retreat every month.
Moses, one of the people who accepted Jesus as a result of these meetings, says,
This is first time that I have come and seen everything and heard about Jesus. So by hearing the powerful holy Gospel my heart was touched and I was moved and accepted Jesus.
– Ella Rodionoff
We praise God for people like you!
Those of us who live in places where Bibles are everywhere and where Christianity dominates the culture still in a lot of ways can't imagine what it would be like to grow up in a religion and culture in which Christian basics are not known. We all to often take our Christian heritage for granted--sad to say. I'm thankful for GNU and its commitment to center on the very simple gospel message and share it in these places of little opportunity. I do everything I can to support this ministry.
I am very, very thankful to hear about our brothers and sisters who have just heard about Jesus Christ and accepted Him during the retreat. I pray that the holy spirit will use them to win more souls for our maker the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hi Colleen – Thank you for your kindness to these new brothers and sisters in Jesus. They don't have internet, so I will make sure they receive your encouraging message. Grace and peace – Eliezer
Welcome to my new Brothers and Sisters to the Family of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST. May THE HOLY SPIRIT, work wonders in your life. Praise The LORD. REMEMBER: THE LORD says in His Word : Romans 8: 31 an 39 31; If GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US. 39; NOTHING SHALL BE ABLE TO SEPERATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD, WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS our LORD.
Eliezer Gonzalez
Apr 8, 2018
Thank you for your prayers Elbert! May God bless you similarly.