New Christians & Seekers

Your devotions really encourage me and give me a bold spirit with which to face each day. – Male, Fiji

You have changed my life. – Bukenya Charles, Uganda

During this period of Covid lockdown, GNU has been the only thing that has kept me connected with God.

The daily devotions from GNU are short, to the point, and never a waste of time. They are always relevant. – Geoff Reilly, Australa

Your devotions give me a daily reminder to look to God. They are the perfect length to read anywhere. I always leave your daily devotion with hope. – Female, USA

Blood of Jesus Instead of Animals

I used to believe in the blood of animals. Now I believe in the blood of Jesus!


Through GNU, I discovered my calling and purpose in life! – Linda, South Africa

I believe GNU’s daily devotions are a gift from the Holy Spirit – just for me! But I am glad they are for everyone too! – Female, Australia

God Has Something to Say Everyday!

I feel that God has something to say to me every day. It’s like GNU’s daily devotions are his way of reaching out.


Because of GNU, I have been able to let go of my bitter past. – Osborn, Botswana

Y’all send me awesome devotions! – Brittany Rivera, USA

I really enjoy the daily devotions. They give e comfort and hope. – Male USA

It’s such a blessing to receive such encouraging good news on a daily basis. – Female, Australia

GNU’s daily devotions are strengthening, uplifting, and encouraging. – Male, Norway

GNU helped me when I felt like giving up on life.

GNU helps me face the challenges of each day with a positive attitude.

Curious Muslim Found Christ

I grew up as a Muslim and we knew Jesus as a Prophet. My curiosity to know more about Christ led me to him. Thank you, GNU!

South Africa

GNU has helped me to know that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of my life.

When I read your messages I can literally feel the presence of God. These words are powerful.

When I read your messages I can literally feel the presence of God. These words are powerful.

God is More Loving Than I Thought!

I have realised that God is more understanding and loving than I ever thought, and he is more present in my present than I ever knew.


Gave My Life to Jesus

I have given my life to Jesus!


I really appreciate these devotions. I wake up to them every day! – Colmie Simms, Jamaica

My Life Has Never Been The Same!

I was really in need of Jesus Christ in my life. Since you started sharing the Word of God with me, my life has never been the same!

Sierra Leone

I feel that God has something to say to me every day. It’s like GNU’s devotions are his way of reaching out. – Karri Benedix, USA

Your devotions constantly challenge me and fill me with hope. – Reg Poyser, United Kingdom

Signing up has been rich blessing. – Male New Zealand

I was really in need of Jesus Christ in my life. Since you started sharing the Word of God with e, my life has never been the same – Sonny Dawah, Sierra Leone

You explain the Gospel in a simple way for everyone to understand. – Sarah Wardlow, Sierra Leone

Through GNU, I found Jesus and learned about true salvation. I am witnessing daily for him and will continue all the days of my life! – Grace Wambuyi Muraya, Kenya

GNU’s daily devotions are my springboard for each day. – Ruth, Australia

My life has changed for the better since I started receiving the Good News Unlimited daily devotions. – Sheka Joshua Bangura, Singapore

I’m really born again! Now I can understand the Bible! – Pardon Sibanda, Zimbabwe

I now know that I can have a personal relationship with my Savior and living God, Jesus Christ! – Thomas Kaastra, USA

Revived My Spiritual Side

GNU’s daily devotions keep me in touch daily with my “spiritual” side which in the past has been neglected. Signing up has been a rich blessing.

New Zealand

Through GNU, I heard the Gospel. – Bukenya Charles, Uganda

The ministry of GNU has changed my life completely. Now I know Jesus as my only hope!

God has become real in my life. – Florence Uchiti, Kenya

I have understood how real God is. – Donna, USA

I grew up as a Muslim and we know Jesus as a Prophet. My curiosity to know more about Christ led me to him. Thank you, GNU! – Sakkie, South Africa

I am encouraged, challenged and blessed! – Female, Australia

Your devotions show the love of God and the Good News of Jesus in a way that is refreshing and easy to relate to. – Ann Willott, United Kingdom

I used to believe in the blood of animals. Now I believe in the blood of Jesus! – Male, Nigeria

I have realised that God is more understanding and loving than I ever thought, and more present in my present than I ever knew. – Female, Ireland

Good News Unlimited is the most powerful weapon that God is using to keep the fire burning till the end comes. – Andrew Nganining, Papua New Guinea

I have given my life to Jesus. – Osborn, Botswana

I appreciate GNU so much for bringing Christ into my life. – Sonny Dawah, Sierra Leone

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About Good News Unlimited

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Eliezer Gonzalez

Our mission at Good News Unlimited is to spread the Word across the world through simple and powerful gospel content. GNU doesn’t represent a church; we simply represent the essential truth of the Gospel with no boundaries or limitations. The Word Spreads Fast, and so do we.

Good News Unlimited is led by Eliezer Gonzalez, who communicates the gospel of Jesus Christ with passion and conviction.

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