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Here is the Answer


Is your life a riddle without an answer? Has everything stopped making sense?

Thankfully, there’s a shortcut to solving all life’s difficult questions—a simple recipe contained in one of the world’s oldest books. Dr Desmond Ford explains how the Bible’s good news can turn on the lights and give you a rewarding, happy life.

Worth More Than A Million


What Medical Science and Scripture say About Immunity to Disease.
A Manual on Preventive Medicine Showing how Unnecessary Illness, Pain and Premature Death may be Avoided.

Coping Successfully with Stress and Distress


There is a place where the inhabitants have no pressure — the cemetery. But that is about the only place, for pressure is an inescapable and often valuable part of life. In fact, if you’re alive and not experiencing stress — that itself can be a stress. It’s the  pressure of stress that gets things done — but also sometimes gets people undone.

A Kaleidoscope of Diamonds Vol 1


Finding a Pattern of Beauty in Life’s Chaos, Pain and Passion

A Kaleidoscope of Diamonds Vol 2


The Jeweled Glories of the Cross Revealed

God’s Amazing Grace in Romans


To understand Romans is to understand those things we most need to know.

Crisis Vol. 1


A Commentary on the Book of Revelation – Vol. 1

Crisis Vol. 2


A Commentary on the Book of Revelation – Vol. 2

How To Survive Personal Tragedy


Nearly fifteen hundred years ago, the famous philosopher and statesman Boethius was falsely accused of treason and executed without trial. To be imprisoned so unjustly would seem to be tragedy enough to sour any man, but from his cell Boethius made a point which all of us who suffer should keep in mind.

Will There Be A Nuclear World Holocaust?


The End of Terrorism


What the destruction of the Twin World Towers can mean for thoughtful Christians as they survey the threat of worldwide terrorism and the Arab-Israeli Crisis.

Your Biography As Revealed in the Seven Saints of Genesis


How To Live in a Topsy Turvy World

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Jesus Plus Zero


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How To Manage Stress (Russian Version)

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Tree of Life: A Picture of the Christian Life

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Unlimited Salvation

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Unlimited Kingdom

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The Murder of the Prince of Life Through the Prism of the Cross

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Unlimited Purpose

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Right With God Right Now

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Jesus Only by Desmond Ford

Jesus Only Abridged


Jesus Only in Luganda (Yesu Yekka) 2nd Edition


Jesus Only in Kinyarwanda (Yesu Wenyine) 2nd Edition


Jesus Only in Swahili (Yesu Pekee)


Jesus Only in Ukrainian


Jesus Only in Spanish


Jesus Only in Telugu


Jesus Only in Finnish

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Jesus Only in Czech

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