15 People Accept Jesus in Half-Constructed Prayer Hall – Venanapudi, India

Dec 18, 2017 2219

15 People Accept Jesus in Half-Constructed Prayer Hall – Venanapudi, India

Those attending the meeting bow their heads in prayer.

The first Gospel meeting in the new Good News Prayer Hall was conducted among the tribal village people of Venanapudi, India. Many people came and 15 people accepted Jesus. It was a wonderful and blessed meeting.

Venanapudi is a tribal village and people from outside the village normally never go there. There are many trees and it has no road proper. If it rains, the road becomes mud and no one can get through.

A few years ago, we went to the village to hold Gospel meetings and met a man there named Yesupadem. He had been a Christian for many years, although most people in his village were Hindu. By the grace of God he saw what GNU was doing and our work of spreading the Gospel, and said he would be very happy to give his land to GNU, so a prayer hall could be built.

Now, by the grace of God, half the work has been completed. The roof has been built, but there is still more work yet to be done.

“We are so thankful to God”


We conducted the first Gospel meeting in the new prayer hall and many people came who had not heard about Jesus. We preached the holy Gospel and 15 people accepted Jesus into their lives. Some of these people have been watching the GNU TV programme, and the Holy Spirit has been leading and guiding them as they watch. 

All the people are so happy with the Good News Prayer Hall. We have now started a Sewing Machine training programme there too. Through this training poor people are able to learn a skill so they can make money to support themselves. I give thanks to God that we can do these things.

Yesupadem says,

We never would have thought that a Prayer Hall would be built here among us. This village had been tribal worshipers, doing many idol worships and sacrifices. So through the prayer hall meetings we learn about the true living Word of God, the holy Bible.

We are so thankful to God that we came to know about Jesus. We all are so happy and in our lives there is real joy. Thank you to Pr Joseph who came and did this work among us. Before him no one came. But Pr Joseph was led by God and the holy Bible to come to us and we are now saved in Christ Jesus. Thank you to you all and we pray for you daily.

 – Pr Joseph Usala

Help Spread the Word Fast

Eliezer Gonzalez

May 25, 2018

Thank you for your encouragement!

Legesse Tamiru

May 25, 2018

I give thanks to Almighty God that he is reaching his generation through you !! You are serving God by showing the slaves of sin the way of freedom and life !! I wish for you a long life span.

Betty Ukin

May 22, 2018

God is so great and he can do mighty things that we human beings can't believe! He will bring back to himself those whose names are writte in the book of life. No more souls must be lost. Glory to God for the men of God who are preaching the gospel of God across the global because truth will set free every soul that has being kept captive by the enemy. Amen.

Sedrick Odongo

May 21, 2018

God is to great! He Will keep watch over you all and just keep trusting in him and you'll see wonders in your life... Congratulations to the new believers, ... Peace....

Eliezer Gonzalez

May 21, 2018

May the Lord bess you too!

Eliezer Gonzalez

May 21, 2018

Thank you for the encouragement!

Bishop Samson Phiri

May 20, 2018

I thank God for great work your doing, this will be my prayer for God to continue using you.

David Awin

May 20, 2018

kindly the message is very good for all a bays and well give that message hat ,God be with him

Kabasagara maselina

May 20, 2018

God bless you for the sacrifice you have all made

Jacob Mahama

May 19, 2018

God will still locate his own. Bravo

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