171 Baptised in Kenya!

Feb 17, 2015 2277


In December last year, after extensive preparatory work handing out the book, Jesus Only, our partners at the Goshen Family Association conducted three weeks of evangelistic meetings in Kisii, Kenya.

The preacher was a young man currently attending a seminary, training to become a pastor. And as a result of the gospel being proclaimed, 171 people accepted Christ and were baptised.

The photo shows the baptism of a young man who was previously a self-confessed devil-worshipper, but who now worships Jesus Christ alone – because he has understood the gospel.

The precious people who have been newly baptised are being nurtured by the Goshen Family Association and, after six months, they will be joining local churches of their choice.

The leader of the Goshen Family Association, Pastor Boaz Nyariki, is not mean and stingy with the gospel. He received permission to distribute the book Jesus Only in the prisons of Kenya. Through his hand alone, 1,500 prisoners in Kenya have received the book. We can’t bring you photos. They were not allowed. Repeat access to the prisoners was also difficult. So, perhaps only in eternity will you hear how your gifts and prayers have helped transform lives and save souls through this powerful ministry.

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