20 People Saved in the Monthly Hall Meeting: An Update From Pr Joseph, India

Oct 5, 2015 1845


The people at this meeting, hearing the Word of God. As the custom is in India, men sit on one side, and women on the other.

Greetings to you in Christ!

On September 19, 2015, at the new monthly hall prayer meeting, there was great response from the people in the town. It is the first time I had conducted a meeting inside the hall instead of in the village square, and many people are very, very happy about this meeting. Twenty people have accepted Jesus Christ and his salvation. Also, 72 pastors came. They were also very, very happy about the monthly meeting in this town hall.

[Note: Pr Joseph can only afford, with help from GNU, to have a prayer meeting (= a church meeting) once a month under the cover of a roof, i.e. a “hall meeting.” All of his other meetings are out in the open in the villages and towns. He has just moved to a newer bigger hall, because the other one was becoming too small and inadequate.]

The People Came In Spite of the Rain

So many people came though it rained heavily on the 19th here. It shows how much they are interested in and appreciate our work.

People listened to the wonderful and marvelous word of God and then powerful prayers were said. Although the owner of the hall is a Hindu man, he is very, very happy about our monthly prayer meeting in the hall.

The TV Programme is Helping Many Pastors to Preach the Gospel

Many of the pastors are working with me in doing the Gospel Evangelism in different villages and towns. The Good News Unlimited TV programme has been very, very helpful for them, in helping them as they spread the Gospel in various places.

They are very much interested in our powerful Gospel work. Because of this, many of the pastors have been inviting me to preach the Word of God in their churches. Pr Eliezer’s blessed and wonderful visit in July has encouraged them to work with GNU and to spread the holy Gospel.

God Has Been Doing Great Works Here in India!

The children from our Good News Children also been serving in various ways at the meetings, and welcoming many people with the great love of Jesus. So God has been doing great works here in India, in Andhra Pradesh. I am so happy and glad to share about it with you and the GNU supporters who have been praying for the work that I have been doing. Thank you in Christ.

Yours loving Pastor Joseph

Pastor Ritchie Way

Oct 7, 2015

Dear Pastor Joseph. My wife and I, being in our mid 70s, are both retired. Nevertheless, we can pray for your gospel outreach and will do so every morning. God bless and keep you Ritchie Way.

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