Paul Muhindo Shares “Jesus Only”

Sep 30, 2015 2162

Paul Muhindo

Paul Muhindo has a story to tell!

Paul Muhindo sings bass in the GNU Choir in Uganda. I have heard him sing, and he is an amazing bass singer, in fact as the only bass, he carries the bass for the whole choir!

In real life he is a young man who struggles with all the kinds of issues that young people have, but the gospel gives him the the hope and joy that nothing else can. A few days ago, Paul sent us the following experience:

Yesterday afternoon I visited my friends from high school and shared with them chapter 10 of the Jesus Only book. It gave them hope and encouragement to face life’s challenges. One of them said,

“I want to have this book. It makes it so easy to understand the Bible.”

So I ended up leaving them with my copy of the book and I hope it will change their lives..

This was very good news to me that I felt I should share with you.

Please pray for these wonderful young people who are doing an amazing work for Jesus Christ.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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