24 People Surrender to Christ in Baptism – Musanze, Rwanda

Feb 13, 2018 1771

GNU Rwanda 24 People Surrender to Christ – Musanze Rwanda

Those who were baptised hold up the copies they were given of the book ‘Jesus + 0’.

Twenty four people have been baptised as a result of the ministry of GNU at Gospel meetings. These individuals, some as young as 15, came out to publicly announce to the world that they had left the way of the world of unbelief and had chosen Christ for their lives.

The baptisms happened two weeks after the Gospel meetings. The event was awesome, with visitors coming from as far as Kigali City, which is 100 km away. Despite the low temperature of the water, they jumped in with haste only comparable to the Ethiopian Eunuch when he was baptised by Philip in the Book of Acts.


They announced to the world that they had chosen Christ for their lives


Most of those who were baptised had been baptised before. But when they were asked why they had chosen to go into the waters a second time, they said that their first baptisms were not real as they had not been taught about righteousness through faith. They did not realise that righteousness comes only through believing and a Christ-like life comes afterwards as a result. They confessed that their former life had been marred by doubt and sorrow about their status in Christ.

The 24 souls were baptised into God’s family amidst tears of joy.

– Pr Bonifresh Muhollo

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Tom Durst

Jun 9, 2018

I think that this represents baptism at its very best and in its true meaning.

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