56 Young People ( Plus Others) Baptised in Kenya: Jesus Only Starts to Bear Fruit!

Jun 10, 2014 3654


Students joyfully receiving the book, “Jesus Only.”

The news below was received yesterday from Pr Boaz Nyariki, Kiisi County, Kenya. I thank all of you who contributed to fund the printing of these books. We are only just starting to receive the news about how this little book is transforming lives for the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Keep praying that his project will continue to have eternal results for the glory of Jesus! The story below is told in Pr Boaz’s own words. – Eliezer Gonzalez

An older gentleman also being baptised as the result of "Jesus Only."

An older gentleman also being baptised as the result of “Jesus Only.”

Thank you once again for the good work that you guys are doing for the Lord.  I had a privilege of sharing the everlasting message to about 2000 students at Nyasore Secondary School in Kisii county, Kenya. It was a very good exercise for me to share with these students the book Jesus Only by Dr Desmond Ford.  I found it so interesting and very useful for the people who are seeking Jesus.

The book is so sweet, because when you read it through to the last pages you can’t keep it to yourself!

When you read the book you are forced to share it with the people whom you think can benefit from it. I had a privilege of translating the book but when I was translating it together with some of my friends I didn’t read it properly. I took time after we had finished translating it and I read through carefully for myself.  Right from the title Jesus Only, the book simply tells you that there is no other message but Jesus only – Matt 17:8 “they saw no man but Jesus only.” When I was reading book, I could see no person in front of me – nothing – only Jesus only.

baptism-pokot-kenyaI decided to make sermons from to book that I shared with the students at Nysore Secondary School for seven days. The students enjoyed my presentations and at the end of the week we baptized 56 souls.

21 of the students who were baptized had already joined Illuminati, but God is able! When we shared with them the gospel truth about what Jesus did for us, and what he is doing for us, the students decided for the Lord; they even surrendered some of the items they were given by the people recruiting them to the Illuminati group and at the end of the week we burnt them.

We also managed to distribute about 2000 books to both teachers and students.

Young people getting together to study the book, "Jesus Only."

Young people getting together to study the book, “Jesus Only.”

The students are enjoying reading the book and some have even formed groups to discuss the book with the help of their spiritual leader.

We also distributed some of the books to the local church through the local church pastor who was always with us and he is the one who helped in baptizing the students who gave their lives to Jesus.

We also have a group that I lead by the name Goshen Families Association that we organized for the purpose of the gospel. I managed to distribute 62 books to the group members. The group is largely composed of married people who are maturing spiritually. We intend to use this group to distribute the book Yesu Pekee (Jesus Only in Swahili) to as many people as we can manage.

May the good Lord help you as you devote your time to his service.


Pr Boaz

Kayumba David

Jun 12, 2014

We praise God for this great work. This is a clear testimony of what Jesus only will do among our our people. Every time I look at that book, every time I give it it to a stranger, my heart rejoices because it will take some one to be very negligent not read, and if he/she reads something will happen. Pr. Boaz, move on and speak on; we have some thing better to say and it is JESUS ONLY.

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