Christ’s Article Issues from 17 – 24

Sep 17, 2014 1622

Christ’s article issues written by Dr Desmond Ford
Issue No 17

Christ - 17

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Title: Book Review

Dr. James Dobson’s new best-selling book examines what happens when we hit “the betrayal barrier”
and God seems to forsake us. The book is true to the Bible in saying suffering comes to all saints. But God watches over us and brings us at last to the glories of heaven and the earth made new.

 Issue No 18

Christ - 18

Title: Jesus In The Four Gospels

Because Jesus is the center of true religion, we need as many views of Jesus as possible. The New Testament’s four Gospels give us four essential views.

 Issue No 19

Christ - 19

Title: Jesus In Mathew’s Gospel

Matthew, by looking to the past, reveals how Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

 Issue No 20

Christ - 20

Title: Jesus In Mark’s Gospel

Mark, by looking to the present, reveals how Jesus is our Servant .

Issue No 21

Christ - 21

Title: Book Review

A new book on the gospel is good on justification. But the author departs from Scripture by teaching the fallen human nature of Christ and sanctification by faith alone.

 Issue No 22

Christ - 22

Title: God With Us: Christ In All Gospels

One of the great evidences that Jesus is divine is found in the providential way the world was prepared for his arrival.

 Issue No 23

Christ - 23

Title: God With Us: Christ In All Gospels 2

Some of the great evidences that Jesus is divine are found in philosophy and history.

 Issue No 24

Christ - 24

Title: God With Us: Christ In All Gospels 3

One of the great evidences that Jesus is divine is found in the heavenly message of peace and strength he preached.

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