The Gospel Has Changed Our Lives – Kumar’s Story
Oct 16, 2015 1706
Pastor Joseph would like you to meet Kumar, a 32 year-old man who has become an integral part of GNU’s mission in Andhra Pradesh. Kumar is 32 years old, and is married with two daughters. He was brought up a Roman Catholic and his wife was brought up a Hindu.
Pr Joseph and I had been praying that God would send Pr Joseph a helper in the gospel ministry. Now Kumar has started helping Pr Joseph with the work of spreading the gospel.
Kumar tells his story:
When I met Pastor Joseph, we got talking about our lives, and our relationship with God. He told me about Jesus and the work he is doing in Andhra Pradesh. I was moved and inspired by his work of spreading the Gospel. I was born a Roman Catholic and my wife a Hindu. But neither of our religions gave us peace and we felt a long way from God.
Pastor Joseph invited us to the prayer meetings and we learned so much more about Jesus Christ. It made us so happy, even though our relatives were very much against this.
Now, I am able to help Pastor Joseph in his evangelistic meetings in many villages. I have been so excited to see the “Good News Children’s Centre”. It is doing God’s work for the little children in a great way.
Before, I was working in real estate, but was not happy in my work. I had many financial problems and also had problems in my family life. The Gospel has changed our lives. We pray together as a family, and love to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We have learned to depend on God for everything we need.
Now it is a great honour and pleasure for me to be able to help Pastor Joseph in his wonderful work for God. If God calls us, my family and I are so happy and thankful to be able to do his work.
Please pray for us in Andhra Pradesh as we work to spread the Gospel to everyone who has not yet heard it.
– Eliezer Gonzalez, with Kumar and Pr Joseph
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