Olga Finds Answers – Cherson, Ukraine

Apr 14, 2016 1399

Olga 1

“I am getting answers to many of my questions.”

In Cherson, Ukraine, the public Gospel meetings are running for the second week, continuing to reach people of many different walks of life. One of these people is Olga, who came to the meetings with questions about the Bible.

Olga heard about the programme through the church she recently began attending. Explaining how she found this church, she says,

My last few years were very difficult for me. I looked after my mother who had a very serious illness. She could only lie on her bed for the last two years of her life. After her death many problems came upon me, including health problems and difficult spiritual problems.

I tried to find some way to wake up to life. I decided to improve my health. I found an advertisement at a bus stop for a health programme being run by a Christian church, so I rang up the number and started coming to the programme.

Olga describes her difficulty trying to understand the Bible in the past. 

I had grown up in an atheistic society. I had attempted twice to study the Bible by myself, but my studies were not successful. There were many questions about the Bible for which I couldn’t find answers. When I went to the Orthodox churches, I saw them praying and singing, but I could not understand most of the things that happened there. I asked the priests some questions several times, and they tried to give me answers.

Olga is grateful for the messages presented by Philip Rodionoff and Eliezer Gonzalez.

Olga is grateful for the messages presented by Philip Rodionoff and Eliezer Gonzalez.

Glad the meetings have been answering her questions, Olga says,

The presentations that Philip and Eliezer are presenting here in Cherson are very interesting to me. I have just started studying the Bible again. I like their approach in presenting the information. It is a logical, rational approach, and they compare science and history on the one hand, with the Bible and spiritual topics on the other hand. I think that this is a very positive approach because it provides enough evidence so that a person can understand that the Bible is reliable.

By listening to these presentations being presented by Philip and Eliezer, I am getting answers to many of my questions. I intend to continue coming to these meetings. I thank Philip and Eliezer for coming to Ukraine to bring these messages to us.

– Ella Rodionoff

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