“The Moment I Believe” – The Story of an African Mission – by David Kayumba

May 2, 2016 1611

It was a month-long missionary journey, but I can think of no better title than “The moment I believe”. You will learn why.
Joy erupts as Bibles reach M23 Congolese rebel soldiers

Joy erupts as Bibles reach M23 Congolese rebel soldiers

This was the beginning of GNU’s bold Africa strategy, and we were on the road with Christ in Uganda!

We started with the shepherds: the pastors and leaders of congregations in Uganda. Most have had no formal training in ministry, but they each have a humble and teachable spirit, and are thirsty to understand the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What a powerful event this was! These brothers and sisters opened their minds to the Gospel as it is rarely preached in most African churches. Such was the power of this truth that a few pastors left in anger. This made us very sad. But for those who remained, the seminar ended in a joyous celebration of Gospel truth. “Thank you for this full Gospel,” said Pastor Kibwita, “we look forward to another opportunity such as this.”

Then came our encounter with the soldiers from the Congo. These men are refugees in Uganda: including high-ranking officers reduced to the status of beggars in a foreign country. In spite of some opposition, the wave of excitement just increased. As with the early Christians, the Gospel was growing through adversity.

Pr David Kayumba shared the Good News with prisoners through a small window in their cells – their only access to hope.

David Kayumba shared the Good News with prisoners through a small window in their cells – their only access to hope.

The soldiers eagerly accepted our gifts of Bibles and the book by Des Ford, Jesus Only. They were full of questions and ready to open their hearts to Jesus. Just imagine this: all but one of the officers surrendered either for the first time or anew to Jesus and his gift of eternal life.

I praise God when I think of a special soldier who was initially very defensive about how a person can obtain salvation. Gradually he admitted that his beliefs had never brought him any peace with God. He struggled to give up all and simply receive Jesus and his gift of salvation. But finally, he looked at me in complete surprise: “You mean to say that the moment I believe I am declared righteous? Just like that? That moment? Right here? The way I am?”

PR DAVID KAYUMBAI assured him: “Yes, the moment you believe in the atonement of the Cross, here and now, you are declared righteous and these blessings will remain yours as long as you believe and trust in the merits of Christ.” The room was filled with rejoicing in the power and salvation of the resurrected Lord.

I do not have the space to share all my special memories with you. I remember the Muslim sheik, a prisoner for the past 26 years in Kigo Prison. When the full meaning of the Gospel dawned on him, he threw back his head and laughed for joy: “I wish I had heard that great news long ago! I would not have suffered the way I have suffered. We are saved the same way!”

Wherever we were—in homes, churches, schools, markets, and fuel pumps—with God’s help, we told the story.

And everywhere it was the same: the thrill of surprise and joy that the simple gospel brings into people’s lives—the moment when a person believes.

Pr David Kayumba

Pastor David Kayumba is original from Uganda, and is currently living in Belgium with his wife Ellen and their son Kaije. David works as a freelance Field translator for the ICC. He holds a Master of Theology and Religious studies from the Katholieke University of Leuven, Belgium. David serves as GNU’s Euro-Africa Evangelism Coordinator in a volunteer capacity. He is passionate about setting people free through Gospel of the finished of work of Jesus. Teaching the clearest Gospel is his goal.

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