Weekly Blog: When You Walk Away From Jesus

Nov 18, 2019 3900

When you walk away from Jesus

It’s not in the easy times that you can tell the kind of person someone is. It’s when the going gets tough that you can really know the calibre of a person.

I suspect that some of you reading this have walked away from Jesus at some time in the past. Perhaps some of you are thinking about it right now. So, how does Jesus respond when you walk away from him? What does Jesus do when you don’t think he is even real?

When you walk away from Jesus, how does he respond?

We don’t have to wonder. We have an answer in the events of the resurrection morning.

Jesus had more disciples, in the broader sense of the word, than just the twelve, in the broader sense of the word. After the brutal crucifixion of their Master on Friday, they were left traumatised. Two of them were so distraught that they decided to put as much distance between the events of the weekend and themselves. We know the name of one of them: Cleopas.

By law, they couldn’t travel on the Sabbath, so they waited until early on Sunday morning. Before they left Jerusalem some of the women had said that they had been to the tomb and they had found the stone rolled away, and an angel had told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. But these two disciples knew that was simply unbelievably stupid. So, they got up and left to walk to Emmaus, which was probably their hometown.

When you’re walking away from Jesus, he’s right there with you.

What they were doing was walking away from Jesus. They were doing the opposite to what the women had done. The women were staying in Jerusalem. They had gone to the tomb. But Cleopas and his friend were walking away.

They had had enough. Sadness was written on their faces (Luke 24:19). They say some of the saddest words ever spoken in Scripture:

We had hoped he was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel (Luke 24:21, NLT).

All their hopes have been dashed. They have given up on Jesus, and they are walking away.

What they don’t know is that Jesus has is alive. He has risen from the dead “that same day” (Luke 24:13). How Jesus respond to their dejected disillusionment? What does Jesus do when you walk away from him?

When you’re walking away from Jesus, he’s always right there with you.

If you are reading this, chances are that at some time or another you have contemplated walking away from God, or that you have actually done it. And we all know of people who have walked away from God. Sometimes they have been those who are close to us and whom we love.

What an incomprehensible picture of the amazing love of God! Even when you walk away from Jesus, he is there walking right there beside you, sharing your sorrows, and gently trying to convince you of his love.

There’s no faithfulness like that elsewhere to be found on earth, but that’s who Jesus is. And that’s who deserves all of your devotion and love.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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tholitz merino

Dec 9, 2019

even i walked away from you lord... but i feel i am not in trouble because your still at my back watching me guiding me in even when i'm alone you shows your love on me, forgive me lord for what i'm done i really feel your presence in time of my needs thank you lord for not leaving me even if i am sinner you considered me and accept me as your son.

Nifas Ismail

Dec 9, 2019

I walked away from u lord for several times. I have now known that u Jesus are always with us when we walk away from u. Thank u lord for ur an ending love and mercy Please have mercy on me lord


Dec 9, 2019


Evette mc Gaw

Nov 27, 2019

Lord i walked away from you before but i want to thank you that during my weakness Lord you stand by me your promises are true you will never leave me nor forsake me.Evette

Precious Nwaham

Nov 24, 2019

Am so guilty of the above sermon. Lord Jesus have mercy on me a sinful sinner.

Albert Arus

Nov 24, 2019

Lord I knew personally I had been walking away from you and Lord now I believed in you that you never leave me and forsake me. Hebrew 13:5 Thankyou lord .

Cmr.Johnson ekong

Nov 24, 2019

I have been so broken by the message of walking away from my saviour Jesus. Please Jesus help me nlot to walk away from your presence .

Elijah Ndilo

Nov 24, 2019

Thank you Jesus for I know just like what you did to cleopus and his friend on the way to emaus on that Sunday morning you will do the same to me.You will never leave me

Pierre-Claver Havvyarimana

Nov 24, 2019

Thank You Jesus Christ, I know You' ll never leave me go away from You.


Nov 24, 2019

Yea, thank you Jesus for You will not allow me to walk away.

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