Unlimited: Approach God Based on His Mercy

Aug 14, 2020 2035

Unlimited: Approach God Based on His Mercy

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions (Psalm 51:1, NIV).

Psalm 26 is very different to the Psalm quoted above. It is a Psalm of David’s youth, written before he understood the depths of his weakness, and the evil of which his heart was capable.

David claims in Psalm 26 to have led a blameless life, to have never faltered, and to have never even have sat down with evil-doers. He claims that his hands are innocent – all unlike the wicked, who are scheming and bloodthirsty. David asks God to save him because of his personal blamelessness. David is so confident in his superior moral position in relation to sinners, that he asks God to try his heart.

God did try David’s heart. And David was found wanting. David was horrified to discover later in life that he was fully capable of adultery and the vilest murder – in short, that he himself – to borrow the apostle’s term – was the “Chief of Sinners.” This is when he penned a very different Psalm.

We must learn, like David, to pray the prayer that the older and wiser David later prayed in Psalm 51. How different is this plea! Like David, we should plead with God for mercy, based on our blameless life, but according to God’s unfailing love and compassion. This is the only basis of salvation and acceptance with God.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Take some time to reconsider how you approach God. Is it on the basis that you have done some good things, or even just that you have tried to be a better person? Or is it simply because you trust in his love and mercy? You may want to start your relationship with God all over again.

Help Spread the Good News

Akaa James

Aug 14, 2020

O God, I give you thanks for your mercy which you have shown to me and my family.Thank you for the privilege of another flesh morning, to you alone be glory forever in Jesus mighty name amen

Gertrudes D. Dreu

Aug 14, 2020

Thank You Jesus for the unconditional love You have given me, thank you Lord for always being there for me, for everything. I' m sorry for all of my sins, You know how much I love You and Need you. Please guide me and my family always.

Olivia Jeter

Aug 14, 2020

I have come to know and trust my Lord and savior for the rebirth of my life giving all praise to God though my Lord Christ Jesus through his eyes I may have peace on earth for Eternity and he has forgiven me of my sin as of sinners I truly Lord covert my body in your holy name I covert my house with the blood of Jesus Christ my savior forever more glory be to christ the most high amen.


Aug 14, 2020

Praise the Lord for the unconditional love that he had given to me and my family as describe a sinners. He died in the cross to wash all our sinners no matter what big and small sins but he still have mercy on us. Thank you very much for sharing this good news that uplift my knowledge about God's message.

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