A Little Further
Mar 6, 2017 2122
Radio Version:
A Little Further
One of the great finishes in the history of the Olympics was by Gabriela Andersen-Scheiss, the Swiss marathon runner at the 1984 Olympics in LA. She’d become dehydrated, and as she entered the stadium she was twisted in pain. But more than anything else, she wanted to finish. She waved away the medical personnel, because she knew that if they touched her, she’d be disqualified.
She took almost 6 minutes to go around the stadium, to the applause of the crowd. She says, “I was determined to make it to that finish line.”
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is described as “going a little further.” From there he went a little further again and went to Calvary. Our Lord went a little further, and went through death and rose from the grave victorious. Jesus went all the way for you, right to the ultimate finish line. And he’s asking you to go a little further for him.

Jesus went all the way for you, right to the ultimate finish line.
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