A Plea For Help From Rwanda

Jan 9, 2016 1579

Alphonse Kwizera

Pr Alphonse Kwizera pleads for more copies of ‘Jesus Only’

Hi there.

I received the audio of “Yesu Wenyine” (Jesus Only) and its powerful message. I love it! We have a new church named Christian Revival Center. We would like to be a partner with you. Christian Revival Center Ministries is a fellowship of people from Africa. We worship in Kinyarwanda language.

We would like to request Bibles in the Kinyarwanda language. Also we want to receive the book Jesus Only, thanks. I got only two copies, but the people want more books. Is there any way how you can ship many books to our people?

– Pr Alphonse Kwizera, Rwanda

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