A Special Message from Eliezer Gonzalez
Jan 9, 2019 35308
Dear Friend
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and/or watch my video below. The work of the Gospel is always challenging. Jesus defined it as always sacrificial, even in the time you sacrifice to watch this short video..
I was speaking to a Christian friend last week, and I mentioned that I led a Christian Not-For-Profit. I told him that we had been facing some difficult times lately. He couldn’t believe that you could run a Christian ministry and find yourself struggling for resources to keep going. I think our Heavenly Father finds it unbelievable too, especially when he owns all the resources, and he has entrusted them in the hands of his children, to be used for his Kingdom.
By the grace of God, Good News Unlimited achieved incredible things last year. Together with you, we reached almost 10 million people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the globe. God used us so that over 13,000 people accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour, resulting over 9,000 baptisms. And we did this together, on the budget of a medium-sized local church. We, together, are the church, and the purpose of the church is to spread the Gospel.
Because our purpose is to spread the Word fast, we keep only a slim financial buffer. We don’t hide Kingdom resources in the ground and in bank accounts, like the unfaithful servant did in Jesus’s story did. And we operate very leanly. We want Jesus to come soon, and so we use what he has given us for doing his work.
That’s why a shortfall in income can hit us hard, and the last three months have been particularly difficult for us. Our Christmas appeal, which we rely on every year, fell very short of our needed target. Instead of raising $49,000, we received only $14,000 for December. Added to the income shortfall of the previous two months, this means that I must ask you – the family of God – for help. This is in line with what the Bible tells us to do. When the blessings of the Gospel are ours, so too are it’s responsibilities, as part of the body of Christ. We share the joys, and we share each other’s burdens. That’s what I am doing through this letter.
I will personally do whatever may be necessary to ensure that this ministry that we share together isn’t diminished in its outreach. I am the only employee of Good News Unlimited, and I will volunteer with no pay if that will help. But the burning desire of my heart is to see the kingdom of God burst in the fullness of it’s glory upon the earth, as countless millions of people discover Jesus and his salvation. Is that the key purpose of your life as well?
How can you help, my friend? How can you help tide us over this challenging financial time and position us to share the love of Jesus with those who need to receive it, with even greater power?
Right now, I’m moving forward in faith. I’m not cutting our evangelistic programmes. And I am praying that you will move ahead in faith together with me.
If you can give, give. And if all you can do is pray for the work of the Gospel through GNU, then I believe that that is what God is calling you to do.
You can donate online here by credit card, or here are our direct bank details.
If you wish to communicate with me directly, you can do so at [email protected]
Grace and peace
Eliezer Gonzalez, Senior Pastor, Good News Unlimited
PS – Be encouraged! Christ has overcome the world!
Thank you Pr Joseph. We are workers together for God. Grace and peace. Eliezer
PS may God richly bless you for the good works you are doing in the Lord Vine yard. May he gives you the grace to do more and more in Jesus' name.
I appreciate the good work you are doing, may the heavenly father be with you always and help you. thank you very much
Dear loving Pastor,it is wonderful and so great work that GNU has been doing in and around the world to spread the Holy Gospel fast and save the souls in Christ Jesus.We have been praying for your hard work daily and about the GNU needs.Thanks to you in Christ Jesus.
Thank you so much for all of the remarkable works you doing through the Holy Spirit. May the all mighty God open doors for his work to be done. Thank you also for all of the encouragement. May God wisdom be your guide in carrying on the mission for the lost sheeps...
Thanks God bless you
Thank you, Pastor Eliezer, for your heart to share the Good News, and your faithfulness to His Kingdom.
Dear Friends - Thank you for y our kind words, and for your prayers and help in different ways as we work together to spread the Gospel. I am encouraged by you.
God almighty bless your servant in the name of Jesus Christ open the eyes of our hearts that we may see you and glorify you in the beauty of your holiness through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
More grease to your elbow. Yes it is true the harvest is plenty but the workers are few. Jehovah Jireh shall provide for we His own according to His glorious riches. AMEN.
I too wish I can donate but I will remain steadfast and continue to follow after God's will and pray that he will continue to look upon GNU Ministry and its pastors and employees with favor and bless you all. Happy New Year.
Je vous remercie beaucoup, Que le tout puissant vous galvanise d'avantage pour ce ministère. Nous vous accompagnerons par la prière. (Translation: I thank you very much, May the Almighty galvanize you further for this ministry. We will accompany you with prayer.)
Yeah first of all I wish you a happy new year of 2019. I have the heart of to donate on every things I can help you but I'm still workless until now so what I can get in my hand and my mind (thoughts) Is to pray in methodes possible. Nice time
I appreciate for being frank of telling that the ministry whern you're needs some financial support.By I can't commit any amount because I am financially unstable by now but in due time I will email you personally.Prayers for you and to the ministry. JEHOVAH JIREH!
I'm blessed by you to receive the Gospel. It is our responsibility to carry the good news all around the world the Godspel of Jesus Christ let God bless you guard you to preach his word thanks.
Thanks God for good life you give me every day olso talent you give me
Dunstan Bwanali
Jan 18, 2019
May the Lord continue anoininting you with everlasting blessings!