Bad News Vs. Good News

May 3, 2016 1448

“Because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” (Is.61:1).

Lack of assurance can hardly be called good news. Lack of assurance equals insecurity in Christ. It leads to suspicion about God, namely I can’t quite be sure what God is thinking, in particular, what He thinks of me on any given day.

Perhaps you may not have verbalised any of the above sentiments but somehow rather you suspect that your theology isn’t quite letting you experience full assurance of salvation and that peace that comes with knowing that God is totally happy with you.

What criteria is God using to measure me up and to give me the tick of His approval and the promised salvation? Did Jesus die on the cross for you and me only to heighten my lack of fitness for His kingdom by relentless increasing the speed on the treadmill of performance? What a miserable way to be a Christian! What a taunting, haunting God to believe in!

The good news that Jesus brings to you today is that your Creator is also the Redeemer of his creation. The moment you believe in Jesus Christ, you are redeemed. God is not mad at you. If Jesus paid for your sins, God’s wrath over your sin debt no longer remains. Sin is oppression – Jesus has freed you from oppression.

So come and rest in Jesus.

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