Baptisms in Ukraine!
Mar 23, 2015 2212

New members of the kingdom of God after their baptism! Eliezer Gonzalez is on the front left, and Philip Rodionoff is on the front right.
28 people were baptised in Ukraine at the end of the two-week evangelistic programme presented by Dr Eliezer Gonzalez and Dr Philip Rodionoff in the city of Poltava. At GNU we love baptisms, because it is the ritual commanded by Christ that symbolises how people accept the gospel and enter the kingdom of God.
Among the people baptised were refugees who had fled the war in East Ukraine, and who had come to Poltava to find shelter, and they also found something they had not expected… salvation in Jesus Christ.

Eliezer preaching the gospel.
The city of Poltava is approximately 300 km from the front lines of the war, and its 300,000 citizens have received 10,000 refugees in recent times.
Eliezer and Philip presented two programmes every day – in the afternoon and in the evening – at which they both spoke. Philip presented topics on evidences for the Christian faith, and Eliezer presented gospel-based Biblical topics.
In addition to those who were baptised, there may be up to 10 others who will be baptised in the near future. Additionally, there are 65 people who accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and publicly gave their lives to the Lord. Many of these people were atheists.

Baptismal candidates ready to be baptised.
Some of these people have shared their dramatic stories of how their lives have been transformed by Christ, and how they have been impacted by the programme presented by Eliezer and Philip. Some of these stories are also found here.
Please see below for more photos.
– Eliezer Gonzalez

After their baptism

A young refugee is baptised
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