Be A Mighty Warrior
Jun 5, 2018 1889
Radio Version:
Be A Mighty Warrior
I’ve got dual citizenship. I could never be a federal parliamentarian.
When I turned 18, I got a call-up to do my mandatory military service in Spain. I went to my doctor here and got a medical certificate itemising my dodgy left eye, one kidney, and everything else was wrong with me. I guess I was never cut out for the military.
In the Bible, when God found Gideon, he was actually hiding. Not a promising start in the warrior profession, is it? The Angel of the Lord says to Gideon,
The Lord is with you, mighty warrior
And Gideon kind of replies with, “Who? Me?”
But, like God had said, the Lord was with him, and Gideon went on to become one of the mightiest warriors for God in the Bible story.
What about you? Are you up against the odds? Remember: When he is with you, no matter the odds, you can be a mighty warrior for God.

When He is with you, no matter the odds, you can be a mighty warrior for God.
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