Be Part of a Miracle

Sep 13, 2018 1211

 Be Part of a Miracle

God is inviting you to be part of a miracle! Radio and television ministry is miraculous because it allows God to find people when they least expect it. God wants you to be part of the miracles that he is working in people’s lives everywhere.

Our October appeal is for our radio and television work around the world. We need $55,200 to be able to continue our radio and television ministry over the next twelve months.

The impact God is having through your support is powerful. Peter contacted us to say that he’s experienced a miracle:

“I drive a truck around town, and I’ve had my heart brought back to the things of God again and again through Eli’s radio spots.”

Right now, Good News Unlimited is on radio across most of Australia, heard on over 600 stations, and with an audience of well over half a million people. We also have a weekly Gospel television programme in Southern India, regularly seen by well over a quarter of a million people. But the reality is that we’ve had to cut two of our radio programmes in Africa over the last two years, and I’m not happy about that.

We’d love one day to be heard on the airways of the United States of America. We’d also love to get back on radio in East Africa. We’re also considering sharing the gospel on television in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Are our dreams too big? Our dreams will never be bigger than our God. But it’s going to take a big effort to make them happen.

If we are able to raise the $55,200 we will be able to continue our radio and television work. If, through you, the Lord blesses us with more, we will be able to grow. Jesus says, “Ask and you will receive” (John 16:24), so we’re being obedient.

We’re asking God, and asking you, the body of Christ, for the kingdom of God to be expanded.

Another radio listener, Ann, says:

“There’s been times when I’ve been down, and the GNU radio spots have helped me to keep trusting in God.”

And Gilbert says that he’s also experiencing a miracle:

Your messages are really changing my spiritual life. There have been big changes in me. Thank you so much!”

The kingdom of God never grows without sacrifice. And God has designed our personal sacrifice for others to be the means by which we ourselves are spiritually blessed and spiritually enriched. It’s miraculous!

Please give generously. Think about the people who will be in the kingdom because you loved them, even though you didn’t know them, and you gave.

Please help us to reach our $55,200 goal, and be thrilled to know that you are part of the greatest miracle of all: lives transformed through Christ’s Good News.

Grace and peace in Jesus

Good News Unlimited Signature

Eliezer Gonzalez

Senior Pastor, Good News Unlimited

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