Believe It For Yourself

Oct 11, 2019 2266

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Believe It For Yourself

When I used to work in HR, I used to advertise jobs and then I’d get dozens, and sometimes hundreds of CVs in reply.

But how did I know what was true and what were lies on those CV’s? Especially when I had an acquaintance who told me that he got high-paying job after high-paying job by simply lying in his job applications.

So, what’s the truth about Christianity? There’s so many lies out there. There’s even people who tell lies for God. Eventually, everyone has to come to the point where just believing what others tell you just isn’t good enough. You have check it out. You have to get it.

Otherwise, when you come face to face with the harshest challenges of life, you discover that what other people have told you simply isn’t strong enough to hold you together.

Remember: You have to come to believe in Jesus for yourself. 

Eliezer Gonzalez

Believe It For Yourself

You have to believe in Jesus for yourself.

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