The Best Choice You Can Make
Feb 15, 2018 1629

The Best Choice You Can Make
I’m often pretty busy and stressed out by work. When that happens, I’ve got a choice: just go harder or take a short break, like go for a short walk outside and collect my thoughts. My natural inclination is just to work harder, but I know that usually it’s better for me if I take a break.
There’s this story in the Bible about when Jesus went to visit two sisters, Mary and Martha. Mary took a break to relax and speak with Jesus, while Martha kept on working hard on dinner. Martha was getting upset because her sister wasn’t helping. And there was so much to do!
But Jesus said to Martha,
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There’s only one thing worth being concerned about and Mary has discovered it.”
There’s a lesson here for us all. At the end of the day, if you want to get things done, you have to invest in yourself.
And remember: The best way to invest in yourself is to spend time with Jesus.
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