Bottom of the Bucket Moments

Sep 8, 2017 1451

Radio Version:

Bottom of the Bucket Moments

I’m sure that you’ve had some bottom of the bucket moments. You know, when you have hit such a low-point in your life that you think it can’t get any worse for you.

We all have them, sometimes in the midst of tragedy, and sometimes when we have to face up to our own mistakes.

If you have a bucket with several holes, the water level in the bucket will never be higher than the lowest hole. You’ve got to plug that lowest hole in your life.

The problem is that too often we let those bottom of the bucket moments define who we are. And you can’t let that happen!

There’s only one way to start healing, and that’s to give God the leaky buckets of our lives.

Next time you have a bottom of the bucket moment, admit it to God. Hand it over to him. You’ll find that God has a way of making leaky buckets new again.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Bottom of the Bucket Moments

God has a way of making leaky buckets all new again.

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