How Can We Inherit Heavenly Cities? – Dr Des Ford

Jan 5, 2018 1544

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Jan 12, 2018

How can we inherit the Heavenly cities? By Desmond Ford'. The Son of God came on this earth to pay a price for the sinful world and its inhabitants. ( mankind)' he left the Heavenly cities, Heavenly glory, his throne just to save us from sin. He was born in a manger , his earthly parents were poor. He wore an earthly body. He was surrounded by people who didn't know him, was despised, Tempted by men, mostly by Satan , who knew Christ, because they knew each other from Heaven. He endured Satan's revenge, through envy, yet Christ endured and overcame. I have read in the Bible, how my savoir agonized in the garden of Gethesmani. Because He knew that soon he will be murdered for our sins. He was taken in the wilderness, and satan was there. At times he got hungry, very hungry. He wore our body. He could feel, what we feel, when we are hungry, therefore, He knows what we go through. He lived and died for our sin. It was an act of love. An example for us to follow, while we walk towards the Heavenly cities. He is our GPS navigator, if we follow in his footsteps. Through scriptures, which will lead us to know Hi better. Dr. Ford! To me you are a great PROPHET, A MAN WITH A HEART OF GOD. YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY GOD'S ANGELS, AND DRIVEN BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. yoU HAVE DONE A GReaT JOB OF LETTING US KNOW, HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES.

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