Christian Life Article Issues From 9 – 16
- Bible
- Bible study
- Christian Evidences
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Dr Desmond Ford
- Faith
- Gospel
- Jesus
Sep 18, 2014 1889
Series of Christian Life article issues written by Dr Desmond Ford
Issue No 9
Title: Compromise; Coming Ready or Not!Introduction:
THE DIE WAS cast. He would be a Christian. All unlawful commerce with the world was over. He would not compromise. Now he knew what was right, and that only would he do. But it was not to be that simple in execution.
Issue No 10
Title: Our Part In Making God Real IIntroduction:
The greatest problem facing us is: How are we to live? Two women, Madame Curie and Susanna Wesley, embody two opposing approaches. Famous writers tell us life is hard. Only the loving presence of God can help us.
Issue No 11
Title: Our Part in Making God Real 2Introduction:
The first of three ways to make God real is to be well versed in the Bible. That’s because fellowship is a two-way mater. We not only speak to God, we must hear God speaks to us. God speaks to us through the Bible. All the greats in christian history were great in knowing the Scripture.
Issue No 12
Title: Our Part in Making God Real 3Introduction:
The second way to make God real is prayer. The prayer esteemed in the Bible is not long, public prayer” but brief, frequent prayer. Prayer is constant communion with God.
Issue No 13
Title: Our Part in Making God Real 4Introduction:
Gratitude is the third way to make God real. Each of us is a billionaire, for we possess the most priceless treasure, the human body. Thesimple necessities and pleasures of life are also blessings for which we can be thankful to God.
Issue No 14
Title: Our Part in Making God Real 5Introduction:
God is present with us when we express gratitude.
Issue No 15
Title: Lives Transfigured By His Presence 5Introduction:
The Christian life is better than we dared dream or hope. Though Christians also suffer hardshships and disappointments, the gospel brings an abundantly joyous life. Because of Christ and his cross every sin is forgiven, we are reconciled to God, and we are sure-by faith that God is leading us.
Issue No 16
Title: Lives Transfigured By His Presence 6excerpt:
Hudson Taylor practiced the Presence of God. Though Hudson was a sickly, poorly educated boy, he grew to be a man who influenced one fourth of the world’s population! He did this as a devoted gospel missionary to China.
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