Christianity is Really Shocking
Feb 22, 2018 1896
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Christianity is Really Shocking
Once I congratulated a female friend, whom I hadn’t seen for some time, on being pregnant. For a moment she gave me a look I couldn’t read, and then she said, “I’m not pregnant. I’m fat.”
It’s not one of my proudest moments. Too often I’ve led with my mouth and said some shocking things!
Right from its beginnings, Christianity has always been shocking.
I had a chat with a Muslim friend once. He told me that Jesus couldn’t be God because God could never have been crucified.
And it is shocking, isn’t it? The whole idea offends people’s ideas about who God is and how he acts.
The whole idea of a religion based on a crucified criminal was beyond laughable in the ancient world. It was totally offensive. So why did Christianity grow at all?
The basic premise of Christianity is shocking. So here’s a suggestion. Instead of simply dismissing it, why not let it challenge you?

Right from its beginnings, Christianity has always been shocking.
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