Continuous Partial Attention
Jun 5, 2018 1786
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Continuous Partial Attention
You know about how you can’t text and drive?
Well, there’s this syndrome in our society that afflicts many of us. It’s called “Continuous Partial Attention”. What it means is that we’re so heavily bombarded with information that we don’t give continuous full attention to anything. Instead, we try to do everything at once.
Perhaps the most dangerous effects of Continuous Partial Attention, however, are on relationships. The formation of authentic and healthy relationships that last requires effort, time, and careful attention.
Our most important relationship is with Jesus. And the book of Hebrews tells us that the secret of a successful life as his follower is to be:
Fixing our eyes on Jesus (Heb 12:2).
The Greek word used here literally means to take our eyes off everything else and essentially to “stare” at one thing. Continual Partial Attention just won’t cut it. Remember, when it comes to following Jesus, only Full and Continuous Attention will do.

The secret to a successful life is to be fixing our eyes on Jesus.
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