Be in Control of How Your Gift is Used
– for Christ’s Kingdom
Your gift to Good News Unlimited has a direct impact on people searching for hope in Jesus. By signing up to one of our Gospel Sponsorship Packages, you get to choose:
· What Gospel message you want to share
· What part of the world you would like it to go to
· Whether you want to send a one-off Gospel message, or do it regularly
· Whether or not you want to add a personal, uplifting message of your own!
When you sign up for your own Gospel Sponsorship Package, you will generate countless stories of lives transformed by Christ.
Here are a few testimonies from the GNU community:

Every comment above represents hundreds of others sharing a similar story. You can multiply these stories as a Kingdom Business!
Together we reach more than 34,000,000 people on an annual basis but it is always about reaching and interacting with the “one” because many “ones” is what makes the greatest impact!
The Ministry of Jesus was supported by men and women who were involved in various ways.
One of the first disciples, Simon, was a fisherman. He owned fishing boats and employed fishermen but Jesus had grander plans for him…

Jesus and the Fishing Business
In Luke 5:1-7 we read about how Jesus used Simon’s boat to expand the reach for the Kingdom. Jesus stepped into Simons boat and it became a platform to make the Gospel message heard by more people.
In this story we see how:
- Jesus needed a way to make His message effectively heard to a large crowd (verse 1)
- Jesus worked with Simon's boat as a platform (verse 2-3)
- Simon listened to Jesus instructions and saw supernatural results (verse 4-7)
Be Like Simon – Fish for People!
Jesus told Simon to be a fisher of people, and that’s what he asks us to do as well, for the kingdom of God.
There are a few options available for you to support the sharing of Jesus’ message.
Image of the disciple Simon & Andrew from “The Chosen” © 2020, VIDANGEL