Conversion Testimonies from India
Jun 25, 2015 2854
Here are some recently received conversion testimonies from India, in which we have all been involved through Good News Unlimited.

I am 56 years old and I was born in a Hindu family. I have been a fish seller, going from house to house and village to village. I did all the Hindu rituals daily at my house. One day I became seriously sick. I went to the hospital but they did not help me. Then one day I met a faithful Jesus believer on the bus. She told me “you believe Jesus and you will be healed from your sickness”. So I started believing in Jesus, going to church, and I accepted Jesus fully into my life. By the power of God I was healed from my sickness. Now I am truly happy in Jesus.

I am 36 years old and I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. Every year I would wear Hindu dress and go to various temples and do all the Hindu rituals. Though I was doing all those things, there was no peace and no prosperity in my family.
One day as I was going to my business I had an accident. I was injured very badly and I was hospitalized for one month. In hospital, I was thinking about my life when I had a vision about Jesus Christ. He said, “Believe in me and your life will prosper.” So after I left hospital, I had approached the local Pastor and told him about my life. Then the Pastor led me into the Church and prayed over me and told me to come to the Church daily. So I started going to the Church daily. I have been baptised and now I am completely happy in Christ.
Ruth Grace

Ruth Grace
I and all my family have always been Hindus, doing all the Hindu rituals daily in the Hindu temples. But for many years I have had so many problems in my house and no peace of mind. All the rituals brought no peace.
Near to my house some people have been going to prayer meetings. One day I decided to go along with them and I enjoyed it very much. I immediately felt a little more peaceful. So I started going to the prayer meetings every day. It gave me so much happiness that I told all my family members. They also started going along with me. Now all my family has accepted Jesus and goes every day to the prayer meetings.
Pastor Daniel

Pr Daniel receiving the ‘Jesus Only’ books from Pr Joseph
I have five daughters* and I have been doing God’s work in the tribal areas of India. I met Pastor Joseph and he has given me some JESUS ONLY books. Thank God, I am very grateful to be able to use these books in my ministry.
*Even today, this is considered a great misfortune in India, and daughters are still killed by fathers, angry because their wife has not produced a son.
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