Daily Devotion 32
Apr 29, 2014 2850
Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the alien, the fatherless or the widow.
Deuteronomy 27:19
Everyone is passionate about justice if justice for their own cause is in question. Most people have a zeal for justice, or they do not wish to appear indifferent about questions of justice, within their clique. How much a person really cares about what’s right and fair is measured most truly by how much he/she cares about those values in the case of the ‘alien’—the person who no one knows, and who knows no one. Widows and orphans in the ancient world were similarly exposed and vulnerable. Justice is a profoundly desirable and beautiful ideal. It sits close to the heart of God, and it comes into its own when it is upheld on behalf of those who seem to matter least.
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