Daily Devotion 41

Apr 29, 2014 1860

But David found strength in the Lord his God.
1 Samuel 30:6

David and his men returned to Ziklag to find their homes had been plundered, their servants slain, and the women—including David’s two wives—taken captive.  Imagine the heartbreak, the desperation. The record says that both David and his men wept till they ‘had no strength left.’   To make matters worse for David, the grief of his men turned to bitterness against him.   The scene is a microcosm of the human condition. At some time or other, David’s anguish is ours. We can be pierced by our own sorrow or burdened with blame for someone else’s, or besieged by both conditions at once.  We know that outrageous fortune robs us of our strength.  But that is not the total picture. God replenishes the worn-out. We are not alone.

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