Daily Good News – Something to Boast About

Jun 19, 2015 1416


“It is through him that we are in Christ Jesus, who, for us, by God, was made wisdom and righteousness and consecration and deliverance, so that what stands written might come true in us. Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord” – 1 Corinthians 1:31.

In this passage, Paul lists four characteristics of Christ. These are gifts that are ours as part of the salvation he gives us.
* He is wisdom: he knows and understands everything, he alone has all the answers. When we follow him, we can be confident that we are on God’s path.
* He is righteousness: Jesus gives us a right relationship with God. We can never achieve this alone, nor can we do anything but accept what has already been done for us.
* He is consecration: by ourselves we cannot remain true to God. It is only because of our daily walk with Christ that we can remain faithful.
* He is deliverance: Jesus delivers us from “past sin, from present helplessness, and from future fear.” We are slaves no longer.

This is a favourite theme of Paul. Elsewhere he says even more plainly: “God forbid that I should boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ …” (Galatians 6:14). Today, as every day, let us “boast in the Lord”.


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