Daily Good News – A Risk, and A Plan

Apr 21, 2015 1255

“Through [the Word] all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made” (John 1:3).

It was through the Son that God made the universe (Heb. 1:2). The Son took a calculated risk when he created human beings with free will, but he was prepared to take full responsibility for the consequences should they turn their backs on him.

Incredibly, when they rejected him, he had a plan. He chose to accept the punishment for their rebellion so they would have another chance to live as God intended. Not only that, but he chose to come to this earth to live among the very people who had rejected him as one of them. He chose to have his rebellious creation inflict on him the punishment they deserved.

In doing this, he not only demonstrated his acceptance of the punishment that we deserve, but he gave us the opportunity to understand what God is like. In the light of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, it would be inexcusable for us to reject him a second time.

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