Daily Good News – Automatic Doors
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Jul 10, 2015 1770
“Now when Jesus heard this, He marveled and said to those who were following, ‘Truly I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel’” (Matthew 8:10).
Robbie Dawkins from the movies Furious Love and Father of Lights says, “If you want the assurance before you do something, that’s not authentic faith. Trust is knowing God can, but real faith is knowing God will.”
To explain faith Robbie uses the analogy of electric doors at a shopping centre. He says, “Faith is like an automatic door; when you’re in front of one, you don’t stop and wait for it to open, you walk right up to it with the expectancy that it will open, and you just walk through.”
As Christians, we are the present day representatives of Jesus. It is essential that we have the faith described in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
When we step out and take a risk for the Kingdom of God, we should walk in the assurance that God will act in accordance of what we hope for, and that we have the conviction of a result that we cannot yet see. To think and act in any other way is not walking in the faith we are called to. And when we do step out in faith, God will show up every time. Your Heavenly Father is saying to you, “Don’t stop and wait for Me to open the door, keep on walking and I will meet you there and open it with you.”
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