Daily Good News – Beyond Recognition

May 24, 2015 1701

“Jesus said, ‘When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know who I am’” (John 8:28).

Jesus knew that people struggled to understand who he was and the nature of his mission. They knew he was different, and many of them could sense his connection to the Divine. Some even recognised him as the Messiah, but even they didn’t fully understand the extent and nature of his mission.

Jesus was telling his listeners that they would really understand him and his mission at the Cross, where he would be lifted up in sacrifice. But it did not end there. Jesus was also lifted up from the grave to become the living Saviour, and then he was lifted up from the Earth into Heaven to occupy his rightful place as Redeemer and Judge.

His conduct on the Cross revealed that he wasn’t there for his own wrong-doing, his resurrection from the dead revealed that he was no mere human, and his ascension into Heaven confirmed his divinity.

But it isn’t just a question of recognition. The big question is: What is your relationship to this God-man, Jesus?


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