Daily Good News – Put the Message of God’s Word First

Mar 27, 2015 1445

The rich man in torment in hades, desperate to save his five brothers from a similar fate, pled with Abraham to send someone back from hades with a warning for them. Abraham “said to him, ‘“If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced if someone rises from the dead’” (Luke 16:30-31).

What Abraham says in this parable was so true. The resurrection of the real Lazarus did not change the views of those who put more stock on their traditions than they did on God’s word. Instead of accepting the resurrection of Lazarus as a sign from God, they made plans to kill Jesus (John 12:10-11).

The key lesson of this parable for each of us is that we should not think more highly of our religious traditions than we do of God’s word. We should always be open to hearing and understanding God’s messages to us.

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