Daily Good News – Saving the World – and You

May 2, 2015 1434

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned…” (John 3:17-18).

The only people Jesus ever condemned were those who were so self-righteous they rejected his offer of salvation. But for sinners who did not reject his free gift of salvation there was no condemnation, just forgiveness. And that’s the way it still is. Jesus does not condemn you for your sins because he was condemned and judged in your place on the Cross.

Notice that Jesus emphasises that this salvation is not for a limited number of people: it is not for a nation, nor just for the good people, or the people who already believe in God. It is for the world. The offer of salvation is for everyone in the world. But then Jesus moves from talking about the entire world to speaking about each individual when he uses the word ‘whoever’. Jesus died for everyone. No one misses out on the potential blessing of canceled sins. But it is as an individual that you believe in him and are not condemned.

Believing in Jesus and accepting his sacrifice makes you such a new person, that the Jesus referred to it as being ‘born again’. Jesus’ mission was not to condemn, but to save, and to make new people of us.

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