Daily Good News – Superabundant

May 30, 2015 1711

“Jesus said, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’” (John 10:10).

God did not create us to endure life, but to experience it to the full. He meant that life should be wonderful. That should be our continuing motivation for living. Because sin entered the world, life is often a terrible struggle and problems of every kind regularly afflict us.

The Greek phrase used here for the phrase ‘to the full’ means to have a ‘superabundance’ of a thing. We are dealing here with superlatives. There is no limit to God’s generosity when it comes to the meaning of our lives. This does not mean there will not be trouble. But it does mean that there will be meaning, and energy in our lives, that every moment will be full of purpose and vitality.

The Gospel turns around the problems created by sin and gives us God’s greatest gift: salvation and the promise of eternal life—a perfect life with him. God wants both his world and his word to give us life to the full, so do everything you can, within your capability, to enjoy life, to make it enjoyable for others and to spread the word of the gospel. That’s God’s intention for you.


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