Daily Good News – Union with Christ
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May 3, 2015 1274
“The bride belongs to the bridegroom” (John 3:29).
This is a symbol that would have been very familiar to the Jews. This picture comes from the Old Testament, which often pictured Israel as the bride of God, and God as the bridegroom of Israel. The closest union known to man was the one chosen as the symbol of God’s relationship with his people. We often read in the Old Testament of how Israel was unfaithful to God.
Now, in the New Testament, the ‘bride’ symbolises the church, and the ‘bridegroom’ is Jesus. The church is made up of each individual who has accepted Jesus’ sacrifice and salvation. At the great ‘wedding supper of the Lamb’ the bride and the bridegroom will be united: Jesus will be with his people for ever. We long for that day.
In the meantime John the Baptist’s words, “the bride belongs to the bridegroom”, are a reminder that nothing should stand between Christians and Jesus. Christians, who form Christ’s ‘church’, belong to Christ and Christ alone. No organisation should try to put itself between a person and Christ. Jesus only is deserving of our complete devotion and loyalty.
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