Daily Good News – Would You Recognise Him?

Apr 22, 2015 1398

“He was in the world, and though the world was made through him the world did not recognise him” (John 1:10).

This is incredible. The creator of human beings, the one who breathed life into them, was recognised only by those whose eyes were opened by the Holy Spirit—people like the repentant felon on the cross. Others, like the Roman soldiers in Pilate’s court and the Jewish holy men themselves, treated him like a punching bag. He endured insults and rejection in order to give us another chance to accept or reject him as our God. Even some of his friends and followers did not fully understand him, or recognise him as God.

But there were some of his followers who did recognise that he was the true Messiah. People who had never met him before sensed they were in the presence of the divine and they responded. Nothing has changed. There are still people who recognise him, people who ignore him, and still there are those who have not heard of him. GNU’s task is to take the Good News to those people.

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