Deepak, The Mute Evangelist – Deepak’s Story

Sep 10, 2015 2096

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From L to R: Pr Joseph Usala, Deepak, Deepak’s father, Eliezer Gonzalez

My name is Deepak, and I am sixteen years old. I am telling this story to my father with sign language, because I cannot speak. My father is telling it to Pr Joseph.

When I was small I fell seriously sick, and my grandmother, father, and mother all prayed to God that if I was made well that I would be offered to God to do God’s work. God answered their prayers and I became well. However I still could not speak. From that time – from my childhood – God also put it in my heart from childhood to preach the gospel and to be an evangelist.


Deepak (on the left) serving water to the women at a gospel meeting.

I have never been able to go to school because I am mute, but I have a strong faith that God will still bless me by allowing me to be an evangelist for him, and that I will speak the gospel with my mouth to many people.

While I wait for God to heal me, I serve God in every way that I can. I go to every prayer and evangelistic meeting, and I open the places and put chairs in them and give the people water in the meetings.

When I hear that there is an gospel meeting in a very, very far away place, I go to it by walking, taking shelter beside the roads when it is too hot, and sleeping outdoors against the walls of houses at night. I never think about how there will be food to eat. I give more importance to the work of the gospel.

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Deepak’s greatest wish is to be an evangelist.

Three months back I came to know about the gospel ministry of Good News Unlimited, because I watched the television programme presented by Pr Joseph every week. Because of that I came to the Pr Joseph’s prayer meetings and they touched and moved me very much. Now I always come to the prayer meetings and I help Pr Joseph to serve the people.

The great desire of my heart is to do the work of God, and I firmly believe that one day God will heal me completely and I will preach the holy gospel to many people. For now, I am so happy with doing what I do and with helping many people and pastors in various places in their church meetings.

I am so much impressed by seeing the Good News Unlimited TV programme every week, in which Pastor Joseph has been preaching. I learn so much and it inspires me to be an evangelist.

Pastor Joseph has been doing a great gospel preaching work in Andhra Pradesh, India. Because of this I am so much interested to assist him in every prayer meeting and evangelistic meeting, wherever he conducts them. It is a great privilege and honor for me to help him in the work of gospel evangelism.

I thank every one who prays for me daily in the mighty, holy name of Jesus. I do pray daily for you all in Good News Unlimited. Please pray for me, that I might be fully healed by Jesus Christ so that I might be an evangelist for Jesus, and do great works for him by his mighty holy name.

* Deepak lives in Andhra Pradesh, India. This story is based on an interview of Deepak that Pr Joseph conducted.

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