Deeply Rooted
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- Laura Stewart
May 17, 2016 2146
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness (Colossians 2:6-7).
I recently saw a photo of my home where I grew up. The yard was green, the field was golden, and the trees of the woods were starting to show signs of life again after a long, cold winter. There’s a big, old tree in the back yard and I can suspect that its roots must go very deep into the soil because the tree is so large and sturdy. It has survived many storms, yet year after year, it still produces beautiful greenery and fruit spring.
What a spectacular image to consider in my own life with Jesus!
When we take root in Jesus, we can weather storms time and time again because He is a sturdy foundation. Jesus says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matt 11:28).
When we take root in Jesus, our faith is strengthened. Because he continues to prove himself, our faith is ever-growing. If Jesus can use faith the size of a mustard seed to work miracles, imagine what he will do as our faith continues to grow!
When we take root in Jesus, we are able to overflow with thankfulness. If you choose to overflow with thankfulness you will be like the tree with fresh, vibrant, sweet fruit hanging from its branches. You and everyone else around will delight in Jesus because of the thankfulness radiating from you.
Jesus gave his life up so that we can have a relationship with the Father forever, even starting right now here on earth. When we accept him, he will transform and grow us into something beautiful, strong, and sturdy.
Are you ready to dig deeper and grow even stronger in your faith?
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