Defeating Fear
May 7, 2019 2782
All humanity lives in the general hold of fear. I often talk to people who are afraid or have anxiety, which is generalised fear. People have all sorts of fear – fear of not having enough money to send their children back to school, fear of rejection, fear of losing a loved one. A great many Christians have the fear of missing out on heaven despite the assurance they are given.
Fear is bad. It makes you do crazy things. In faith matters, fear causes people to turn to works in a hope to please God. People fear that Christ’s merits may not be adequate to save them unless they do something extra.
So how do we go about defeating fear?
You must know what really motivates you in life. Is it fear or passion? For example, some people marry out of passion. Others marry out of pressure from family and society. Some people remain in abusive marriages and fear to speak up. What is motivating your decisions in life? What is motivating your life for Christ?
Many times the Bible tells us to “Fear not”
What you need to do is confront your fear with the passion you have. In life, just be in love with what you love to do, show passion and don’t allow anything to put you down. Don’t allow fear to stop you from doing what you know you have the potential for. For the truth is, the world does not recognise potential, it recognises passion.
Also, you must know that fear’s greatest worry is change. Fear loves the status quo. By accepting change, you break the hold of fear. Fear keeps you from any change and progress by telling you that you must know all the details of how the something will work out before you initiate it. In other words, fear removes the power and mystery of faith in your life.
And you must confront fear with the Word of God. God’s encouragement is especially evident in Psalm 23:4 (NLT), which reads: “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.”
You can be free from the prison of fear.
– Pr Bonifresh Muhollo
Okurut Martin
Feb 1, 2022
True!. Fear z very desustrous weapon that the devil uses for claiming the lives of people. I remember when covid- 19 broke and hit the whole world and what mourdered people most is fear. I like this sermon sir. Goforward and do the work of your ministry with love.