Des Ford Writes Three New Books!
May 1, 2014 2482
Dr Desmond Ford has been busy! He has written not one, not two, but THREE new books.
Here is the title of each and a brief description on what you will find in each one. We are planning to publish them in print soon. But for now each book is available for purchase as an ebook from on the links below.
Why God?
This book sums up the current logical and scientific evidence for God’s existence, and then illustrates the fact of divine sovereignty as demonstrated in well-known lives. The experiences of John Newton, William Carey, Hudson Taylor, Charles Spurgeon, Gladys Aylward, Adoniram Judson, Martin Luther are chronicled with emphasis on events that statistically are beyond chance. Every reader will here find encouragement and hope to successfully meet the challenges of everyday life.
Your Biography: As Revealed by the Seven Saints of Genesis
The Bible is a marvellous picture-album and the potential of every life is there sketched. The chief seven characters of Genesis portray the various stages in every believer’s walk of faith, and the opening six books of the Bible do the same. In this book you will find uncovered heights and depths of the inspired records never seen before. The appendix offers unassailable evidence for the divine origin of the Bible.
How To Live in a Topsy Turvy World
This volume traces the historical reasons for our world’s ideological and existential chaos. Why is our world like this? Are there some keys to understanding it and to negotiating its dangers? How should we live? The chaos of this world can only be survived by those who know and live the Christian gospel. The nature of that gospel is described so clearly that none need miss the blessings purchased by Christ for each one of us.
Eliezer Gonzalez
where can i buy Dr desmond fords books in nsw please advise
Hi George Great to hear from you! You can purchase the books through us. Please send a note through with your order specifying what you require, and your questions, as well as the stamped return package. I am sure Des will be happy to sign the books. Our address is: PO Box 6788 South Tweed Heads, NSW 2486 Australia Our other contact details are as per the Contact Us page on our website. Grace and Peace in Christ Eliezer
Hi, I am trying to get Dr. Ford's mailing address in Austrailia. I am purchasinf a couple of his books on the first of August when I get my VA check. I would appreciate Dr. Ford signing them. I also have 2 questions; I will also send a stamped return packabe. I am an Former SDA. after 27 years (been out 8-9 years.) I listen to Dr, Ford and a Seventh day baptist preacher over the internet. I am non-denominational. Thanks for your time George A. Hill 3600 windmeadows blvd., apt. #127 Gainesville fl 32608
Eliezer Gonzalez
Jan 18, 2016
Hi John You can contact our office in Sydney, as follows: Phone: Within Australia – 1300 013 237 International – +61 247 219 051 Email: [email protected] Grace and peace Eliezer