Despite Atheistic Upbringing, Mary Chooses Christ – Entebbe, Uganda
Sep 13, 2018 3009
Mary is an 18 year old and the only daughter of an atheist and wealthy businessman operating in Entebbe, Uganda. She lost her mother two years ago in a road accident. She is among a number of individuals baptised after a Week of Prayer that took place at her high school where I was the closing guest speaker.
It was after the sermon entitled “Step On The Waters”, based on Matthew 14:22-33, that Mary decided to give up her father’s cherished atheistic philosophy and accept Christ as Lord and Saviour of her soul. Commenting later about her radical decision, the young lady, a form 3 student said,
“I always believed with my father that there is no God, but today I felt his presence.”
Her long journey to God began three years ago when she decided to enrol in the prestigious Christian school located in Entebbe. This is a church sponsored school, and her decision was made despite protests from her father who feared that she would fall into what he always described as the “God delusion”. However, her decision to join this school had nothing to do with any intention of meeting God. The reason was to be close to her longtime Primary school friend whom she had always considered as the sister she never had.
Her friend was the happiest of all when Mary made the unexpected move. According to her friends as well as teachers, Mary is a well-behaved girl and is also among the best performing students in the school. This positive combination always made it hard for her to see her need for God. How could she find a vacuum for God when Kampala is filled with Prosperity Gospel preachers who ironically benefit from the small earning of their followers? In fact, she also confessed that,
“My father says that God is for the poor and the stupid”.
“I always believed with my father that there is no God, but today I felt his presence”
When it was time for the non-compulsory prayers at the school she would remain in the dormitories sleeping or attending to chores. Several of her close friends also seem to have fallen prey to her views and a movement of atheism would have flourished in that school had she not be drawn to Christ that day.
We were worried that her father would be greatly displeased with this move and possibly transfer her from the school. But our hearts were warmed with joy when she told us that her father is not domineering, and that he always told them to choose their paths as he had done himself. In fact, she described him as a very loving father and husband who never raised a hand to strike any of them. Another interesting aspect of the story of this family is that the father is a most unlikely atheist, having descended from a generation of bishops.
This incident led to me giving credit to teachers and student for having treated Mary with love despite her views and family background. It would have been almost impossible to convince her of her need for God had she been treated negatively. After the baptism we made arrangements for subsequent follow-ups to keep her on track. She has requested our constant prayers for her and her father, and she hopes that her father will soon also come to Christ.
– Pr Bonfiresh Muhollo
Glory be to God. We pray for her and her family. God move in a mighty way in their lives
Lord Jesus thanks you showing your to her, amen. May you follow Christ today.
Glory be to God , save me jesus
We give glory to God and a big amen...
Glory be to our lovely Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour, amen
Glory be to God for she's a chosen vessel
Glory be to God for an Atheist being churched.
henry kyalo
May 1, 2019
Glory to God,our heavenly Father!