Devotional 147

Nov 9, 2014 1747

“Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come” ([tippy title=”Matthew 18:7″ class=”” showheader=”true” href=”” width=”450″ height=”100″]Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh![/tippy]).

When I remonstrated with a trade store owner and operator in Papua New Guinea about the vast amount of alcohol that he was selling to the natives he replied, “If I don’t sell it to them someone else will.” While he was correct in the latter part of his statement, that did not exonerate him for the damage that he was doing, nor from the decision of the final judgement that would be brought down upon him for his selfish and inconsiderate action.

Ensure that all your decisions have the approval of God’s Spirit, and you will be a blessing and not a curse. And, if you are a blessing you will be blessed in the final judgement and not cursed.

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