Divine Forgiveness
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Nov 28, 2015 2243
Do not repay anyone evil for evil (Romans 12:17).
What would become of us if Jesus repaid us evil for evil? We would be totally without hope, because Jesus would be our Judge rather than our Saviour. We can rejoice, however, because Scripture says, “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned” (John 3:17-18).
Those two verses from John’s Gospel sum up the essence of God’s good news for us, which is: Jesus does not condemn us for our sins because he was condemned and judged for them on the Cross. Sin separates the sinner from God, and when Jesus took the sins of the whole world on his shoulders he was cut off from God (Matt. 27:46). God is life, and to be cut off from the eternal God is to be cut off from eternal life. That was the price Jesus was willing to pay for our sins so we could be forgiven.
To believe in Jesus is to believe that he died for our sins so that we wouldn’t have to. When we put our faith in Jesus, he comes into our hearts with his forgiveness and peace. And Scripture says, “He who has the Son has life” (John 3:36).
Jesus is life. Wherever Jesus went he gave life. At every funeral Jesus attended he raised the dead to life. He gave life to Jairus’ young daughter, who had just died (Luke 8:52-56). He gave life to the widow of Nain’s son. who was being carried to the cemetery to be buried (Luke 7:11-16). And he raised Lazarus, whose decomposing body had been in the grave for four days (John 11:38-44).
A young woman, who had been caught committing adultery, was brought to Jesus for his judgement. It was expected that Jesus would command that she be stoned to death as the law of Moses required (Deut. 22:22). Instead, he said to her, “I do not condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:11). This woman, Mary, was a prostitute who poured perfume, her life’s savings, on Jesus’ feet and wiped them dry with her long hair (John 11:2). Now, if Jesus can extend full forgiveness to a practicing prostitute who puts her faith in him, how much more will he forgive you for the sins you have committed, if you, too, put your faith in him?
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