Don’t be Depressed about Depression: Act Now for a Positive Life – by Dr Philip Rodionoff

Jun 17, 2016 2136

Don’t be Depressed about Depression-Act Now for a Positive Life

It seems that everyone knows someone who is depressed. This modern epidemic causes an immense amount of suffering. Perhaps you yourself feel depressed.

The depressed person will typically experience many of the following symptoms: lack of enjoyment in life, continually feeling sad or blue, low energy and motivation, poor memory, poor concentration and altered sleep habits. Some may even feel suicidal.

Many well-meaning friends will offer such advice as “Just snap out of it” or “Don’t be so down on yourself”. But the person affected is not putting on some kind of act. These symptoms are real and can be very distressing.

So what causes depression? Actually, there are many factors that may contribute. These include genetic predisposition, life stresses and nutritional deficiencies, to name just a few. Typically they result in an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

There is a Solution

The good news is that depression can be treated, and treated effectively. Mild to moderate cases may respond to lifestyle measures. Other cases, including more severe cases, may need anti-depressants that should only be prescribed by a doctor.

The good news is that depression can be treated effectively.

What lifestyle measures can be useful? First, keep a gratitude journal. Each day list three things for which you are grateful. Each day review the list and add three more. Express your thanks to God for all the good things in your life. The Good News of Jesus Christ is something that each of us can be eternally grateful for. This simple task can have a significant effect on one’s thought patterns and even positively alter the expression of genes.

Secondly, participate in regular physical activity. Aim for at least 30-40min 3-4 times weekly. This can considerably boost the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Thirdly, eat well and aim for the best in nutrition. There are several common deficiencies that may contribute to depression. These include zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. They play an essential role in the body’s production of neurotransmitters. In some cases these nutrients may need to be supplemented.

Fourthly, identify the sources of negative stress in your life. Make a plan to address each of these proactively. It may be appropriate to seek counselling or psychological help.

Of course, if the depression is not responsive after several weeks of lifestyle measures, or if the depression is severe, it is important to seek professional medical attention.

Depression is a significant issue. The good news is that even simple lifestyle measures can often make a big difference.

Dr Philip Rodionoff
Director of Good News Unlimited

Philip Rodionoff is a medical doctor who has a special interest in nutritional and preventive medicine. He also holds a Master’s degree in Religion and has presented in many parts of the world on evidences for the Christian faith. He is the co-author of the Da Vinci Decode. He is happily married with three children and lives on the Gold Coast in Australia.

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